Address: SQNW 306 Bloco A e B - Noroeste
Site area: 1,000.00m²
Total area: 16,540.78m²
Total units: 96 Apartments
Typology: 4 bedroom apartments
Apartments footage: 165,56m² up to 188,50m²/ 330,32 m² up to 374,98 m² (coberturas)
Release date: December/2021
Structural design: ADC Projetos
Electrical/hydraulic/phone system design: Martins Projetos
Air conditioning/exhaust system design: Martins Projetos
Frames design: Supperiore Consultoria de Esquadrias de Alumínio
Acoustics consulting: JAL Isolamento e Tratamento Acústico
Thermal/lighting performance consulting: Ambiente Eficiente
Images: Casa Digital